The engine coolant contains an ethylene glycol anti–corrosion agent. The cylinder head and water pump housing are cast aluminium alloy, and periodic changing of the engine coolant is necessary to prevent corrosion of these parts.
Use High–quality Ethylene–glycol includes coolant.
It has excellent protection against corrosion and rust formation of all metals including aluminium and can avoid clogs in the radiator, heater, cylinder head, engine block, etc.
Because of the necessity of this anti–corrosion agent, the coolant must not be replaced with plain water even in summer. The required concentration of anti–freeze differs depending on the expected ambient temperature.
(1) Do not use alcohol or methanol anti–freeze or any engine coolants mixed
with alcohol or methanol anti–freeze. The use of an improper anti–freeze can cause
the corrosion of the aluminium components.
(2) For effective anti–corrosion and
anti–freeze performance, keep the anti–freeze concentration within the range of
45 to 60%. Concentrations exceeding 60% will result in a reduction of both the anti–freeze
and cooling performance thus adversely affecting the engine.
(3) Do not top off
with water only. Water by itself reduces the rust– protective and anti–freeze qualities
of the coolant and has a lower boiling point. It can also cause damage to the cooling
system if it should freeze. Do not use tapwater, or it could cause corrosion and
rust formation.
During cold weather
If the temperatures in your area drop below freezing, there is the danger that the coolant in the engine or radiator could freeze and cause severe damage to the engine and/or radiator. Add a sufficient amount of anti– freeze to the coolant to prevent it from freezing.
The engine coolant mixture used at the factory provides protection against freezing for temperatures as low as approximately –30°C. The concentration should be checked before the start of cold weather and anti–freeze added to the system if necessary.
See also:
To unlock
Press the UNLOCK switch (2). All the doors and the rear hatch will be unlocked.
If the front room lamp switch (if so equipped) is in the “DOOR” position and the
rear room lamp switch (except f ...
How to lock and unlock the steering wheel
To lock
Remove the key at the “LOCK” position. Turn the steering wheel until it is locked.
To unlock
Turn the key to the “ACC” position while moving the steering wheel slightly.
Suitability for various seating positions
Key of letters inserted in the above table:
U – Suitable for “universal” category restraints approved for use in this mass
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