Changing the temperature unitChanging the temperature unit  - Changing the function settings (when the ignition switch is “ON”) - Multi-information display - Instruments and controls - Mitsubishi Lancer Owner's Manual - Mitsubishi Lancer

The display unit for temperature can be switched.

1. Press and hold the multi-information meter switch for about 2 seconds or more to switch from the setting mode screen to the menu screen. Refer to “Changing the function settings (when the ignition switch is “ON”)”.
2. Lightly press the multi-information meter switch to select (temperature unit setting).

3. Press and hold the multi-information meter switch for about 2 seconds or more

3. Press and hold the multi-information meter switch for about 2 seconds or more to switch in sequence from °C → °F → °C.

The setting is changed to the selected temperature unit.

► If the battery is disconnected, the unit setting is erased from memory and Note

► If the battery is disconnected, the unit setting is erased from memory and is automatically set to °C.

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